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Andrographis is shown to have positive effects on the immune function, digestive and circulatory system, and upper respiratory tracts – but also negatively impacts fertility in both men and women...

Boost your immunity to get well and stay well. Enjoy robust vitality and all-season immunity...

Older adults are more prone to infection due to a weakened immune system; low levels of zinc contribute to this reduced immunity....

The cold dry air of the winter months mingles with seasonal infections and molds to create a perfect storm that inflicts many with annoying lung conditions. ...

Hydrolysed Collagen Proteins are helpful for supporting the structure of many tissues, increasing bone mineral density, improving nail growth and the appearance of skin wrinkles....

This inability to properly digest and break down protein and absorb nutrients is known as malabsorption syndrome. If proteins are not broken down or digested properly and toxins are not eliminated, it becomes very difficult to achieve optimal health....

Vitamin E is a complex nutrient with 8 sub-fractions including tocotrienols that has been shown to have cholesterol and triglyceride reducing properties....

Inulin, not to be confused with the hormone Insulin, is a naturally occurring fibre which may contain several health-beneficial properties make it attractive for inclusion in a variety of foods....

Dietary fibre appears to have been left behind by the carb-versus-fat wars. What if people focused on their fibre intake too?...

Hypertension remains the most crucial risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Nutritional and lifestyle changes can provide support...

Coenzyme Q10 is an absolutely critical factor for cellular energy generation. It is required for the proper functioning of the mitochondrial electron transport...

Having a healthy gut is commonly understood as an important condition for overall health. Science has shown there are both physiological and mental health benefits for having the right microbiome or gut balance. ...

Often a result of ingesting contaminated food & beverage, although could be due to more serious infection. It is important to diagnose and treat appropriately to restore gastrointestinal health....

Dr Oscar Coetzee talks about his 20-years of clinic practice, his interest in metabolic syndrome and thoughts about GI-Map Testing....

An inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune condition which can lead to inflamed and ulcerated lower gastrointestinal tract....

Abdominal pain and diarrhoea, due to ulcers and open sores which is commonly known as inflammatory bowel disease can be due to many factors....

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