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Understanding Epigenetics and Methylation

A deep dive into diagnosing and treating your patients

Understanding Epigenetics and Methylation

A deep dive into diagnosing and treating your patients

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Unlock Epigenetics and Master Methylation for Better Patient Care

What You Will Learn – Key Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding the Steps of Methylation: Gain a clear view of how methylation works, from its basic steps to its clinical implications for patients.
  • Epidemiology of Methylation Issues in Australia: Learn about the prevalence and impact of methylation issues among Australian populations.
  • Diagnosis and Presentation: Identify the signs of over- and under-methylation in patients and understand the complexities of these conditions.
  • Critical Diagnostic Tests: Know what tests to administer to confirm methylation issues, including OMX, GI-MAP, and Genetics, and how to interpret these results within clinical ranges.
  • Treatment Strategies: Explore effective treatment plans focusing on supplement ingredients, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes tailored to methylation issues.

Engage With Zelda Graham
During Her Interactive Presentation

Live discussion of latest MTHFR insights

Engage with Zelda Graham in a Live Question and Answer session

Review Zelda Graham's approach to personalised treatment plans

Review MTHFR prescribing principles

Earn 1.5 CPE points for your webinar participation

Get new distinctions to use in your practice

Advance Your Practice with Epigenetic Strategies

Learn how to implement the science of epigenetics in your clinical practice. Discover techniques for modifying gene expression to prevent and manage diseases like heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes.

Zelda Graham discusses the principles of how epigenetics impacts health and wellbeing and will guide you through advanced methods to support your patients to minimise or override their genetic predispositions.

Optimise Patient Outcomes: Mastering the MTHFR Mutation

Equip yourself with expert knowledge on the MTHFR gene mutation, a key player in detoxification and over 60 chronic health conditions.

Join Zelda Graham to explore actionable strategies to support your patients in managing their unique genetic profiles and improving their health outcomes.

Learn from Zelda Graham’s wealth of experience

Zelda Graham

Zelda Graham
Accredited Nutritionist, Naturopath
& Methylation Practitioner

Naturopath Zelda Graham has a special interest in epigenetics and the management of MTHFR polymorphisms.

As an accredited Nutritionist, Naturopath, and methylation Practitioner who constantly stays up to date with health advancements and diagnoses, Zelda believes the body can heal itself when given the right tools. By constantly keeping up to date with the most recent evidence-based science on epigenetics, naturopathic health, and nutrition, she can help you get your body back to health and vitality.

Zelda’s key areas of focus are MTHFR gene disorders, medical procedure reactions, diabetes, heart disease, hormone imbalance, IBS, FODMAP, GAPS diet, Coeliac disease, detoxification, food intolerances, insomnia, menopause, low energy levels, anxiety, and fatigue syndromes, to name a few.


Your Webinar Host and MC
Linda Dal Molin, ND

Linda Dal MolinLinda Dal Molin is the Director of Sales and Education for Designs for Health Australia.

Linda has a Masters in Human Nutrition, a Bachelor’s of Health Science (Complementary Medicine), and an Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy. She has been a practitioner for 25 years and has worked in the natural health space for 27 years.

Linda has developed a strong relationship with the Designs for Health practitioner community. She will moderate the webinar and the Q&A discussion in this webinar and engage our live Designs for Health practitioner community to bring insight and practical clinical pearls for all.

Deep Dive into Methylation Science
Understand and Harness Epigenetic Mechanisms

Designs for Health Education

I really enjoy your webinars. The presenters are engaging and concise, presenting information pertinent to the clinician setting rather than emphasising research facts is welcome. Personal stories also provide an authentic connection. Thank you
Desley Lock

Thanks for this clear, insightful information. I have found any of the webinars or seminars I’ve attended have been useful, with little nuggets that pop back into mind when relevant.
Roz Fitzgerald

Excellent in-depth training, provides extensive and well-illustrated explanations and summaries, easy to understand. Really appreciate this comprehensive self-paced practitioner training.
Duong Tran

I really enjoyed the webinar on Autoimmunity. The simplicity of the treatment protocols and the results were mind-blowing! The research studies to back up treatment protocols are great resources too.

The DFH education and webinars are awesome. I have learnt so much, thank you.

Liz Stewart

Understanding Epigenetics and Methylation

A deep dive into diagnosing and treatment for your patients

Designs for Health | Evidence-Based Education

At Designs for Health, education serves as a brand pillar, integral to our mission of Designing a Well World™. In support of that mission and our commitment to excellence in education, we continually develop a robust portfolio of evidence-based educational content, expert presenters, resources, events, and initiatives to bring the latest research and science to our healthcare practitioner customers.

This work is never complete, as we continually strive to foster and translate the knowledge of nutrition science, dietary supplementation, integrative health, functional medicine, and clinical application in an ever-evolving healthcare landscape.

Modern Practitioner Robbie Clark
Gallbladder Health