Cardiovascular Health

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Cardiovascular Health – Core Topics

Cardiovascular Health – The Science Behind MenaQ7 K2 Efficacy & Evidence with MenaQ7 | Dr Ross Walker

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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) cause 27% of deaths in Australia. One in six Australians self-report as living with CVD, accounting for more than 4 million Australians. Dr Walker draws on his clinical expertise and research as he shares detailed insights into the K2 efficacy and evidence for MenaQ7. Key therapeutic concepts for cardiovascular function: Research on populations frequently found to be deficient in Vitamin K2 due to diet and commonly prescribed medications How calcification of the arteries is a reversible process How an adequate intake of K2 can positively influence the cardiovascular system The mechanism of vitamin K-dependent Matrix Gla Protein (MGP) as a potent…